MeRT: Advanced Magnetic Stimulation. 

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A New Approach to Treatment of Traumatic Brain Injury and Concussions

Are You Dealing with a Traumatic Brain Injury or Concussion?

The CDC (Centers for Disease Control) defines a traumatic brain injury (TBI) as:

A blow to the head or a penetrating head injury that disrupts the normal function of the brain. TBI can result when the head suddenly and violently hits an object or when an object pierces the skull and enters brain tissue. An injury can also occur without a direct blow to the head, such as in an auto accident where the forces cause the head to move violently in one direction and then snap back in another direction. This causes the brain to be jostled around inside the skull and can also injure the brain.

Suffering a closed head injury can produce symptoms that range from mild to severe, based on the degree of damage that was done to the brain. While it’s possible for a person to experience a TBI to not have a loss of consciousness, in moderate to severe cases, LOC does usually happen. More severe cases of traumatic brain injuries often can result in coma or even death.”

Traumatic brain injuries are frequently observed among athletes engaged in contact sports like football, where repeated “head hits” can have a detrimental impact on the brain. This cumulative damage often leads to post-concussive disorder. Additionally, members of the military are also susceptible to traumatic brain injuries, which can result from direct head injuries or repeated exposure to the forces of “blast injuries.”

Traumatic Brain Injuries or concussions can manifest in different degrees of severity, leading to short-term and long-term mental and physical effects. At our clinic, we offer a non-invasive and drug-free treatment option called MeRT (Magnetic e-Resonance Therapy) to address these conditions.


Individuals who have experienced a traumatic brain injury often require additional therapies to aid in the recovery of memory, learning abilities, coordination, physical function, speech, and coping mechanisms. This is due to the intricate nature of brain injuries, which can impact various aspects of a person’s life, including emotions and cognitive abilities. It is not uncommon for individuals to face challenges in returning to work or performing everyday activities.

The symptoms you may experience can vary depending on the severity of your injury.

  • Loss of consciousness
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue or lethargy
  • Dilated pupils and vision changes
  • Dizziness
  • Memory problems
  • Confusion
  • Cognitive decline
  • Inappropriate emotional responses
  • Anger
  • Depression
  • Feeling of isolation
  • PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder)
  • Anxiety or panic attacks
  • Facial weakness
  • Weakness or loss of function in other parts of the body
  • Loss of bladder or bowel control
  • Breathing problems
  • Numbness and tingling in different parts of the body
  • Loss of hearing or tinnitus.

A traumatic brain injury can have serious consequences such as brain swelling, hematoma (blood clot), or internal bleeding, which can be life-threatening. It is important to seek immediate medical attention, even if there is no loss of consciousness, as early intervention is crucial in preventing complications and minimizing further damage.

Certain individuals are at higher risk for brain injuries, including athletes, the elderly (due to increased risk of falls), and children and teenagers engaged in physical activities. Athletes, in particular, are susceptible to repeated brain injuries, and the cumulative effects can manifest gradually over time. It is essential to be aware that symptoms may emerge later as the brain undergoes deterioration.


Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) and concussions can have long-term effects on individuals, affecting various aspects of their lives. Some common long-term effects include:

  • Cognitive difficulties: TBIs and concussions can lead to cognitive impairments such as memory problems, difficulties with attention and concentration, reduced processing speed, and challenges with problem-solving and decision-making.
  • Emotional and behavioral changes: Many individuals with TBIs and concussions experience emotional and behavioral changes. They may become irritable, easily frustrated, or have mood swings. Depression, anxiety, and changes in personality or social behavior can also occur.
  • Sensory impairments: Some people may develop sensory impairments following a TBI or concussion. This can include changes in vision or hearing, altered sensitivity to light or sound, and difficulties with balance or coordination.
  • Sleep disturbances: Sleep problems are common after a TBI or concussion. This can involve difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or experiencing excessive sleepiness during the day.
  • Headaches and migraines: Many individuals experience persistent headaches or migraines after a TBI or concussion. These can be debilitating and significantly impact daily functioning.
  • Increased risk of neurodegenerative diseases: Research suggests that individuals with a history of TBIs may have an increased risk of developing neurodegenerative diseases later in life, such as Alzheimer’s disease or Parkinson’s disease.
    It’s important to note that the specific long-term effects can vary depending on the individual, the severity of the injury, and other factors. Seeking appropriate medical care, rehabilitation, and support can help manage these long-term effects and improve quality of life.

Treatment is important. A Traumatic Brain Injury if untreated can lead to shortened life span and significant complications. According to the Journal of Neurotrauma:

“Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) produces both acute and more chronic consequences that lead to permanent disabilities that increase long-term mortality and reduced life expectation.”

The Journal goes on to explain that untreated TBI can result in various secondary pathological conditions, including seizures, sleep disorders, neurodegenerative diseases, endocrine dysregulation, and psychiatric problems.

“The brain seems to be responding to these injuries in the same way…”

Dr. Erik Won, President & Chief Medical Officer 

“What we’re finding is that the brain responds to insult the same way, whether it’s chronic sleep deprivation, whether it’s the mechanical injury of head-to-head contact repeatedly on a football field, or whether it’s being exposed to repeated blast injuries in the military or just direct contact with IEDs. The brain seems to be responding to these injuries the same way. …

“For so many years now, there’s been this feeling of helplessness that concussions are just a fact of life and there’s not a lot that we can do. I think we’re starting to get down to, at a foundational level, the root cause of mechanisms of injury, which will lead us down the pathway of finding solutions.”

Dr. Erik Won, President, from his appearance on the Broken Brain podcast



Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) and concussions have been found to cause significant alterations in the activity of neural circuits within the brain. When a TBI or concussion occurs, the impact and forces on the brain disrupt the normal functioning of neural networks and communication between brain regions.

These injuries can result in changes in the electrical and chemical activity of neurons, leading to disrupted signaling pathways and imbalances in neurotransmitter levels. As a result, the affected neural circuits may become hyperactive or hypoactive, leading to various cognitive, sensory, and emotional impairments.

The altered activity of neural circuits can manifest in several ways:

  • Cognitive impairments: TBIs and concussions can impact cognitive functions such as attention, memory, executive functions, and information processing. The disrupted neural circuits can interfere with the efficient transmission and integration of information, leading to difficulties in thinking, reasoning, and problem-solving.
  • Sensory and motor deficits: Neural circuits responsible for sensory perception and motor control may be affected by TBIs and concussions. This can result in sensory impairments, such as changes in vision, hearing, or balance, as well as motor deficits, including coordination difficulties and muscle weakness.
  • Emotional and behavioral changes: The altered activity of neural circuits can also affect emotional regulation and behavior. Individuals may experience mood swings, irritability, anxiety, or depression due to disrupted neural circuitry involved in emotional processing and regulation.
  • Sensitivity to stimuli: Following a TBI or concussion, neural circuits may become hypersensitive or hypo-sensitive to sensory stimuli. This can lead to increased sensitivity to light, sound, or touch, making individuals more susceptible to sensory overload or discomfort.
    Understanding the impact of TBIs and concussions on neural circuit activity is crucial for developing effective treatment strategies. Rehabilitation approaches, such as targeted therapies and neuroplasticity-based interventions, aim to restore and optimize the functioning of neural circuits, promoting recovery and improving overall brain health.


New research is confirming that factors resulting from a concussion do cause changes in brain function including altered activity of certain neural circuits in the brain.

Patients who have experienced a concussion or traumatic brain injury exhibit distinct markers in their EEG studies. MeRT(sm), an advanced treatment protocol derived from Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), utilizes quantitative EEG to precisely assess the state of your brain and personalize the treatment approach accordingly. Through the comprehensive analysis of your qEEG results, we can visually observe the dysregulation present in your study, providing a scientific and individualized approach.

MeRT treatment is specifically tailored to your unique needs, considering the outcomes of your EEG and EKG. The treatment protocol is customized based on factors such as the location, frequency, and power of the magnetic coil used to neuromodulate the brain’s electrical activity. Our team performs a quantitative EEG assessment to precisely determine your brain’s frequency.

The beauty of this personalized approach is that it can lead to remarkable clinical improvements, enabling many patients to experience enhanced well-being and reduce or eliminate the need for medications. The MeRT therapy itself is safe and gentle, ensuring your comfort throughout the process.

At the Brain Treatment Center, we employ a cutting-edge treatment process that integrates TMS, Quantitative Electroencephalogram (qEEG), and Electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG) analyses. This allows us to thoroughly analyze your brain’s patterns and formulate treatments that are uniquely tailored to your specific needs.

Feel Yourself Again

In the ensuing months after the concussion, I just wasn’t myself… My academics began to suffer as well. I didn’t feel right.  My EEG showed me that something had physically changed with how my brain functioned.  After three days of treatment, I felt substantially better.  After two weeks, I felt like I did before my injury.  MeRT was life-changing.”  – 21-year old female with TBI, Collegiate Soccer Player, Jan 2019





I’m two or three months past my last treatment and I can honestly say that my brain is in a better place than it was before. The emotional highs and lows that I was living with have been stabilized. My cognition took off during that period (of treatment) and it hasn’t slowed down since.”

– Nick Hardwig, Retired NFL Center, Chargers

Get Back to Life!

I’m back!  My TBI turned me into someone I barely recognized.  I was depressed, mean, and short-tempered.  Having to push through life filled with frustration and a deep sense of sadness that this was it.  I just had to keep pushing through life with an overwhelming tiredness.  I’m so glad I was wrong.  I think my direct reports and family are even more thankful.  This treatment changed everything, and I am forever thankful.” – 41-year old male with TBI, Executive, Nov 2017



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  • Autism.
  • Depression.
  • PTSD.
  • Anxiety.
  • Cognitive Performance.
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