Magnetic e-Resonance Therapy, or MeRT, is a non-surgical, non-invasive, drug-free, emerging technology. In simple terms, we use MeRT to reprogram irregular electrical signals in the brain. By doing this, we can modify behavior. The MeRT protocols use brainwave analysis to isolate specific areas of the brain that are not functioning or communicating the way they should. Then, using specialized equipment, we gently stimulate those distinct brain areas that lead to improved function. Treatment overview involves getting a qEEG to measure the pattern of electrical signals in a patient’s brain. This diagnostic study tells us what is not functioning properly and helps us determine how the brain should be operating. We then create a precision treatment protocol using a set of magnets placed on the scalp. These send electrical signals back into the brain to stimulate and organize the function of neurons. This process is called neuromodulation.