Making Quality Medical Care Accessible to All

Congratulations on your decision to explore MeRT therapy! Making the decision to seek help to improve your mental health is an important and courageous step. MeRT therapy is an innovative form of treatment that uses advanced technology to help alleviate the symptoms of various mental conditions, including autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, concussions, depression, and anxiety.

I’m happy to let you know that you qualify for MeRT therapy, and even better, HealthAdvance Finance offers a health financing program for patients at Brain Treatment Center Houston, at available times. This program offers two weeks of MeRT therapy free of charge and interest (2 EEGs, 2 medical appointments, 10 MeRT sessions), followed by another two weeks of treatment (2 EEGs, 2 medical appointments, 10 MeRT sessions) at an affordable cost, with weekly fees of $500 for 13 weeks.

This is a great program that offers a unique opportunity to do MeRT therapy and receive all the benefits MeRT can achieve for you, without worrying about the financial cost. Do not miss this opportunity and send us your information through this form to obtain more information on how to take advantage of the Wellness Finance financing program. We are here to support you on your path to a healthier and happier life. Cheer up!

0% Interest

No Fees

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About Brain Treatment Center Houston

Brain Treatment Center Houston is a medical clinic specializing in the treatment of neurological and mental conditions using advanced and non-invasive therapies. His focus is on helping people improve their quality of life by reducing or eliminating the symptoms of disorders such as autism spectrum disorders, ADHD, concussions, depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorders, among others.

In addition, Brain Treatment Center Houston offers personalized services adapted to the needs of each patient. The clinic’s team is made up of highly trained physicians specializing in the treatment of neurological and mental disorders, and they work with patients to develop individualized treatment plans to fit their unique needs.

In short, Brain Treatment Center Houston is a medical clinic specializing in the treatment of neurological and mental disorders using advanced and personalized therapies, with a focus on helping patients improve their quality of life and reduce symptoms of their conditions.

Revolutionizing Mental Health Treatment.

Brain Treatment Center Houston uses innovative therapies such as Rhythm Specific Transcranial Magnetic Therapy (MeRT), which is a type of non-invasive magnetic stimulation that uses advanced technology to help balance brain activity. This therapy has been shown to be effective in reducing symptoms of various mental and neurological disorders, and is one of the leading therapies offered by the clinic.

Tailored Treatment for Optimal Results.

In addition, Brain Treatment Center Houston offers personalized services adapted to the needs of each patient. The clinic’s team is made up of highly trained physicians specializing in the treatment of neurological and mental disorders, and they work with patients to develop individualized treatment plans to fit their unique needs.